Monday, July 24, 2006

Mag Tan's Flash Fiction

Here's a bite of fiction from Mag Tan. With all this unexpected response from complete strangers, I suddenly feel like putting together a compilation of flash fiction. Hmm...will have to chew on this a little more.

They told me there’d been an accident. But I didn’t
I didn’t know that I’d see, that I'd see such -

Look, I’m new, ok? It’s only my first week here, I
thought I’d be handling stuff like coughs and colds,
not, not -


It was awful.
I thought she was gonna die.
If not from the loss of blood, then surely from the
Can you imagine?
They called it an accident!?
That young mother was gasping like a bloated fish out
of water and they called it an accident!
All the claws scratching her, the powerful canine jaws
shredding her womb, the screaming, the growls, the
And her dead baby.
Trampled beyond recognition. I didn’t even know it was
a foetus.
All chewed up into a mushy lump of blood and it was
supposed to be a newborn baby.
I didn’t know what to do!
I couldn’t look! I couldn’t stand it!
I just ran out of the room, I just ran.
And when I came back, there was no more mother.
Just the quiet nurses cleaning up the room.
I couldn’t help, I really couldn’t help.
I’m sorry.


Blogger All Action Man said...

Kiddo, I's just trawlin the blogsites when I came across yours. This one's scary - all that blood and gore...too much information for me!

12:17 AM  
Blogger starlight said...

it is, isn't it? as i told the writer, it sure lives up to its title! thanks for dropping by. and you wanna try your hand at a piece of flash fiction?

5:42 AM  
Blogger Mag said...

Hi Starlight!

I spotted something, would love it if you could change "I didn’t know that I’d see, that I see such -" to "I didn’t know that I’d see, that I'd see such -"...think it was a typo when I sent it in the e-mail to you *blush*

all action man - haha..:)

Hope more people send you their stories, thebookaholic seems to think its doing well, that's great!

10:29 AM  
Blogger starlight said...

hi mag. consider it done. :) and yes, more people have taken up the challenge and posted stuff on their blogs. the others are still working on their me! i'm amazed at the response and am considering publishing a compilation of flash fiction from various writers. think it will get a good response from writers and readers?

2:20 AM  
Blogger Mag said...

Of course! Come up with a catchy title, yeah?

8:58 AM  

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