Friday, November 11, 2005

Casting Away The Shadow of Darkness

'Come to the edge,' he said.
They said, 'We are afraid.'
'Come to the edge,' he said.
They came.
He pushed them...
And they flew.

- Peter McWilliams

The people of Jordan must have been afraid when their king led their country into the fight against terrorism. They knew it was the right thing to do, but they also knew they might one day pay the price for their integrity. That day came on Wednesday.

Three hotels, 56 dead, 93 wounded and millions of others plunged into black pits of grief. But fury soon replaced agony and the people of Jordan wiped away their tears to stand up to the evil that had almost broken their spirits. "We sacrifice our lives for you Amman," they chanted, marching bravely onto the streets. Their hearts may have been cold with fear, but their eyes were hot with anger and a fierce determination to stand up to their enemies. My heart was wrenched by the descriptions of the carnage, but even more so by the courage of ordinary people, who had formed an impenetrable shield simply by standing inside themselves. The people of Jordan were pushed...and they are now flying.

I closed the morning papers with tears in my eyes. How unfair it seems that those who hold firm to their principles and who try to do what's right, are often those who suffer the most. But strength comes from suffering not joy, so perhaps the scales are balanced after all.

I have given up trying to comprehend why some people use the blood of others to paint hideous pictures in the name of God. These days I just pray for those who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I know I will never get used to these horrific headlines, but that's what our world has become today. Perhaps our small contribution to this greater cause could be to practice kindness, tolerance and compassion in our daily lives. Perhaps one day that will be enough.


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