Saturday, October 22, 2005

Salsa Seduction!

A friend’s friend flew in from Bangkok last night. We had never met but had heard a lot about each other, so hooking up that night was a given. The launch of this new friendship took place in Havana Club, Federal Hotel.

I had no idea what to expect as I walked into the club. All I knew was that it was a salsa joint and I was hoping there wouldn’t be too many pot-bellied men adjusting their toupees, chomping on cigars and pouncing at every opportunity to gyrate with sweet-young-things wearing skirts the size of bandages. As usual, my fears only existed in my head.

The salsa club vibrated with an energy that was almost as intoxicating as the dancing itself! Men and women were spinning, gliding and sashaying to music that gently coaxed you to let your inhibitions go and dance with your heart in your feet. I have never see men move so elegantly, their gracefulness only serving to enhance their masculinity. And the women were wonderfully sensual with a touch of arrogance in their steps. But all moved with stunning fluidity. Here, curves and contours can be flaunted without being frowned upon, skin can touch skin without being misinterpreted and no one is a stranger even if you’ve never met. The radiating faces were contagious and I soon found myself smiling like an idiot.

After a particularly vigorous number, my new friend mopped her flushed face and exclaimed, “This is so good! And it’s more addictive than drugs!”

Noticing my unabashed pleasure, another new friend held out his hands and it was my turn to understand the magic of salsa. No doubt, I only learnt four steps but it may have unlocked a door I never tried.

I’m glad I stuck my toe in something new last night. And I had so much fun that I’m doing it again tonight!


Blogger bibliobibuli said...

i wanna go dancing ....

1:06 AM  

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