Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Flight of The Eagles

This time last year I was getting ready for one of the biggest nights of my life. The Eagles Farewell I Tour in Bangkok. In mapping out the venues, the organisers conveninently skipped KL leaving me with two choices - Singapore or Bangkok. It was an easy one.

So there I was with my best friend Priscilla, in a hotel on the famous Khao San Road, putting the finising touches to our placard, which screamed 'Malaysia Loves You Too!" Hey, if you want to be a groupie you may as well go all the way. Priscilla was a bigger fan of Bangkok than of The Eagles but my excitement was infectious and her huge grin matched mine.

We were among the first few to arrive at the Muang Thong Thani stadium and snapped up The Eagles memorabilia being sold at the booths. We had great seats but not as close to the front as I would have liked, so I told Pris "I don't think many Thais are fans so we'll scoot to the front later on." Fat hopes. Within an hour the stadium was packed with Thais of all ages. The well-heeled farangs (foreigners) filled up the front row seats. But no matter, we still had our very powerful binoculars!

When the first strains of 'Take It Easy' filled the stadium, the corwd went wild. Then the stage lights burst on, I was blinded for the first five minutes by tears of disbelief and happiness. Terribly corny I know, but absolutely true! I had to literally pinch myself to believe that I was actually sitting less than 200 meters away from Don Henley (such a legend in my book!), Timothy B. Schmidt, Glen Frey and Joe Walsh. For the next hour and a half, we sang our hearts out (the Thai guy next to me couldn't speak English but knew all the lyrics), waved our placard madly each time the spotlight swung our way and danced in the bleachers. Oh and of course, we screamed ourselves hoarse too. It was such a brilliant night!

One year later and I still remember exactly how I felt. It's an exeprience I revisit each time I forget what pure fulfilment and carefree joy feels like. In those 90 minutes, everything was just perfect.Everyone should have at least one magical moment or experience they can relive over and over again. It's what makes life worthwhile.


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